Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I LOVE Surprises

One of the things I love about my ministry is that I never know what will happen during the day, who I will meet, what questions I will be asked, etc.

The other day a group of pilgrims from the U.S. came into our store. I asked them where they were from and learned they were from Boston. They told me the names of the priests who organized their pilgrimage, and I knew one of them. The next thing I knew, a woman walked from the opposite side of the book store to where I was, and I couldn't believe it. I knew her from when I worked at our book center in Dedham just before making perpetual profession. In fact, she attended my final profession. We lost touch with each other. Well the Lord sure took care of that! We are now in touch again so that she can be present at my 25th Anniversary celebration next year! How incredible is that?

Then Pentecost Sunday came. It was our free Sunday, but in honor of the feast we decided to get together for lunch and one of the sisters offered to cook. When I walked into the dining room, I realized that they were throwing a surprise party for me. At first I saw Italian flags, then a papal flag, then European Union flags. I didn't see the American flag till last. When I saw that, I wrapped my superior in a big bear hug.

So what was the reason for the party? I am now officially "Italian-American" as one sister put it. I have me Italian residency, I have registered myself in the city of Rome, I have my identity card, and I have enrolled in the state sponsored health insurance program. The sisters were so excited about this that they wanted to celebrate this!

Then today I went to our general mother house to begin my spiritual exercises. At my door was a bag filled with gifts. The Lord provided me with PEANUT BUTTER for my retreat!, pistaccios,  (through Sr Germana, an American sister who lives at our Generalate) two REAL pie plates, and a meat thermometer (through Sr Marlyn who returned to the States today).

How I love surprises!


  1. What a heart warming post! Wishing you a grace filled retreat and thanks again for helping my friend Karen with that "trash" project for Discovery!
