Saturday, March 17, 2012

In the Ghetto

Last Sunday, I went with a friend to Trevi Fountain and then to the Jewish "Ghetto" where the famous Roman synagogue is. It was a gorgeous day, and I am so glad I was able to go to a place where I had been wanting to go for a long time. This section of Rome was developed by Jews as early as the 1st century AD. This would have been an area that both Sts Peter and Paul would have frequented, if not lived in, when they were here in Rome. But first we'll stop at Trevi Fountain--my absolutely favorite spot in Rome! (at least that's what I'm planning. I have no idea what order this program will decide to put my pictures in.... sigh....)
Belissima as the Roman's say. Words would never do this piece of art justice.
A street artist we saw on our way from Trevi  Fountain to the Ghetto.
One of the most original art forms I have EVER seen. Love the colors.
Well, we're not there yet. Yes, I got distracted. Saw a sign for the Church where St Catherine is buried. I have always wanted to go there since she is my patron saint (my baptismal name is Mary Kathleen...for those of you who may not know that). Outside the church in the piazza is an obelisk.
I fell in love with the elephant. Wouldn't you?
Yes, one more distraction. My goodness you can't move anywhere in Rome without bumping into something. In this case, I turned about 40 degrees from my lovely elephant, and there in front of me was.... the PANTHEON... tucked into the neighborhood.
I promise this is THE LAST distraction. However, I am sure I am not the first tourist in Rome to have this happen to. This is the famous Tortoise Fountain that I had seen pictures of but had never seen in person. It looks like I'm not the only one enchated with this fountain. These birds still just long enough for me to capture them. 
We are finally here. And this is the entrance to the neighborhood. Interesting apparatus here at the opening. Makes you wonder what made it necessary, doesn't it?
Small metal plates like these can be found outside of houses, identifying the people who were arrested, imprisoned and murdered by the Nazies. It's pretty impressive.
Some ancient buildings in the Jewish neighborhood.
The temple. It is lovely from the outside. I hope to visit inside of it one day. We arrived too late to visit the museum and the synagogue. I'll have to go back another day.
I finally made it to the English section of the book center. Now I have spent time in each of the sections of the book center except the administrative section. And yes, I am taking an inventory by hand, again. Great way to get to know the inventory, though! Here is a picture of myself and Sr Giovanna, who staffs the English section. We are on the roof of the North American College.
Disclaimer: Yes, I am still a sister. Our community here in Rome has chosen not to wear the veil. Wearing the veil is an option in our constitutions. Therefore, when I joined the community here, I adopted their choice. It's all a part of community life!

This next week, the sister who staffs the French section will be making her spiritual exercises. And I will be taking her place in the book center. Exciting! Let's pray another Pentecost miracle is in store! Thank God most of the people who come into the book center also speak Italian.... But when you have to look up French titles...well, I will let you know how it goes.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Rome from on high

It's been a marvelous week. The weather has been perfect--cool in the morning and warm in the afternoon. Not a cloud in the sky. Perfect conditions to see Rome from on high. That "high", of course, is the cupola of St. Peter's Basilica.

I went with a sister from Korea who came to Italy 8 months ago and is still struggling with the language. We had a wonderful time! See for yourself!
After takiing an elevator, we arrived on the inside of the cupola high above the majority of the basilica. Here we had a pretty good view of the mosaics and could see how big they really are!

These pictures will be a little out of order. Somehow the blog program keeps changing the order of the photos and I cannot figure out how to put them where I want them.... This picture as well as the ones that follow go after the last two photos. Oh well. Here you can see one of the fountains in the Vatican gardens. This one has a huge image of an eagle on top, reminiscent of imperial Rome....
What a view of the piazza, Via della Conciliazione, and beyond!
Papal insignia made out of flora.... Beautiful.
Castel Sant'Angelo, among other things.
The papal palace is to the front right. It's the building with the blue-greenish trim.
A view of the statues that stand on top of the facade of St Peter's,
along with the roof on top of the body of the basilica.
Looking down on the roof of one of the side chapels.
A view of the cupola from the level of the roof of the body of the basilica.

One of the mosaics at eye-level. Here we could observe the slight necessary distortions of the images which, when seen from below along the curve of the cupola, look proportionate and perfect.

Climing these stairs is not for everyone.
It is very narrow at a certain point, there are no handrails, and the sides curve with the curve of the structure of the cupola. Here is my companion--from the back. My apologies....

As for my work in our book center, I spent most of this past week "underground." I have been learning how to do the shipping and receiving because the employee who does that will be out most of this coming week. Thank God I don't have to learn that from scratch since I have had experience doing that in our book centers in the US.

This morning, Sr Giovanna invited me to go with her to the English College to attend their liturgy. About 20 priests concelebrated the Mass. The singing was absolutely incredible--mostly Gregorian Chant. Three soloists chanted a rendition of the Gospel of the Transfiguration for the offertory hymn. It brought tears to my eyes. I think I might be going back!